I didn't, he did.
They said if I didn't wean him at six months, he'd never stop breastfeeding.
I didn't, he did.
They said if we didn't sleep train and cry it out, he'd never sleep through the night.
We didn't, he did.
They said if we didn't hit and shout and "discipline" he would never learn, never listen.
We don't, he does.
And they say that unless we force him, he'll never get out of our bed, he'll never be confident or independent.
Well, guess what.
We won't. And he will. And he is and he is.
Just in case some mom, somewhere, is tired of being told that her instincts are leading her down the "wrong" path and that she's making a "rod for her own back" she can read this and know.
You're not.
It gets better, it gets easier.
And if you want to gentle parent, you go right ahead.
They don't know the half of it.
(DS just leaned over and said to me, "Mummy, I just really love you so much." This is why we do the hard graft.)