Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Coffee and Cuddles

Another long stretch of silence on this thing. I suppose I have been a little occupied, my eldest turned four and I gave birth to our second son. I'll refer to him as SS from here on out. I don't like the idea of using names or getting too personal on the details, I liked to retain some vague sense of anonymity, even though I share all this with my friends and family anyways.

I am going to try going about this a different way. I am just going to do it. I used to feel being a writer was a huge part of my identity. It used to take up a lot of my time. Until there was no more time left for it to take up. Now I never write. I worry about grammar and punctuation and sounding witty or making some huge point really eloquently, so even when I do have ideas I worry I won't express them properly so they don't get expressed.

No more.

I'm just going to approach this like a child learning how to speak. First it will come out mostly unintelligible, mainly gibberish. Slowly I might start to form some coherent thoughts. These might become narratives. Maybe I'll even reach a few people who might appreciate what I have to say.

But for the time being I will just write, because that's the only thing which I ever felt made me a writer, and I never used to worry about finding my voice.

Start as you mean to go on.

This is kind of a prelude to the actual update that I want to write. I don't know when I will have the time to write it though - my son's birth story.

I will get on that, I will.

I guess I'll see you around then. I'm still here, I'm still trying. My voice will return.


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